Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Too much to think about

So I deleted a comment from my friend Tim's blog because I got to thinking about what I said, and worried that it was one of those things that sounded better out loud than in print. And I should not be allowed to take back things, because knowing I can, makes me want to. Because I have a really hard time making decisions. I hate committing to ideas and courses of action. Usually I just dither until courses of action commit themselves.


I am attempting to digitize my wedding video. It is, of course, damaged. Part of that is because I have been married since 1992, and that is a really long time in the life of a video tape. And part of the reason is that it spent most of the last year in a storage unit.

I am becoming more and more immersed in the world of the Writing Center. I am now to that I am scheduling my hair appointments around those Thursday meetings. Don't get me wrong, I am excited about this opportunity. It is just not how I saw my career going when I began my PhD.

Today, Home Depot finally sent my paperwork for the washing machine I bought in August. And I have to see if I can still submit my rebate. I will not be happy if I have to fight for my $100 rebate.

1 comment:

Tim Sisk said...

what are you doing with the Writing Center? is it the UCA WC? God, I miss that place. It's my favorite place on campus. I hate the WC here, probably because the director is, well, she's a micromanager. And I don't like being micromanaged.