Friday, February 06, 2009


So I always wonder why I do this stuff to myself. Why do I tell Mea that she can have people over? The house? A wreck. She's been too busy trying to get caught up at school to clean (like she promised she would). SO that would be me doing another load of dishes and wiping down counters. And it looks like it will be cleaning off the coffee table. And me who may be the biggest idiot on earth.

ETA: And, to add to the fun, my vacuum clogged. I have to take it apart, at some point, to remove said clog. And daughter for whom I am picking up like a madwoman? Cleaned her freaking bedroom instead of picking up the living room. Houseful of people coming over, and she decides to clean her room for the first time in six months.


Monda said...

At that age I encouraged Em to have friends over almost every weekend for that very reason - she cleaned her room and bathroom every week. Although that left me with the other seven rooms. Never quite got the help I needed on those.

Vacuums. They're all trash unless you spend a fortune on a good one. And I mean a FORTUNE.

Unknown said...

It wasn't bad. :P and I spent 30 minutes tops cleaning my room, the other three hours that day were spent in the living room and kitchen. And the house looked pretty good by the end of it.

Unknown said...
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