Friday, December 28, 2007


So my kids are mutinying and are demanding to stay with my parents. Mea is trying to arrange her social life in conjunction with the extended stay.

This puts me teaching Sunday School by myself on Sunday. Still with no curriculum-- at least no good curriculum. So I am looking up the beginnings of Methodism. At least I am interested in that.

Mom and Dad gave me tons of clothes & tons for the kids. Which is absolutely what we needed.

Dad is working on a synopsis & first three chapters for a book he wrote. The agent wanted him to re-cast the book as a juvenile. So I have been reading and editing this week.

I am heading back home after lunch. I have laundry to do and have been trying to get a chance to sew for a couple of months now.


Unknown said...

Is it a young audience or an older one? I was in a Sunday school class on the beginnings of Methodism and John Wesley, but also his brother Charles (?) - who wrote the hymns.

It can be interesting. Promise. :)

Laura said...

Sixth graders. Two of them like Sunday School, and two of them are there because their parents force them to come. The two who like it (or me or whatever) like puzzles and ask me questions. The others... well one drew Dragon Ball Z and the other just distracted all of us.

So, we'll try something else next week. I found a play online that is about John and Charles Wesley. Maybe they'll like that.

And maybe the youth minister will find a new teacher (I am just a sub).

Thanks for the encouragement.