Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Good god. Copyright again

The copyright discussion is not any more entertaining today than it was last time (or the time before) or even MSTA back in 2000.

So, on to an update.

First of all, my house sold. We signed papers on Saturday. There are inspection hoops to jump through, but it should be a done deal. Less money than I hoped for, but enough to move on.

I survived my trip to Virginia. The weather was mostly cooperative; only a 30 minute delay.
Leslie picked me up at the airport, and warned me that the rooms were bare-- the three hots and a cot were reduced to a stripped bed. No microwave, no sheets, no mini-fridge, no towels--- not even pillows for gosh's sake.

So I went to Target and Walmart and bought linens and pillows. And Leslie bought a mini-fridge. We got the fridge back to the dorm, and it had a huge dent in the side. She wanted to take it back on Monday, but white trash that I am, I talked her into waiting until the last day. No point in overly complicating things.

Project Runway starts its new season tomorrow. And do we have a television? Only in the lounge. How badly do I want to torment those poor foreign nationals to try to watch it?

I'll probably just catch the re-runs. Although, one of the designers is from Mabelvale. Mabelvale! How does a designer live in Mabelvale, Arkansas?

My classes are blah. They are not classes that I wanted to take. But they fulfill my residency requirement.

Back to class, I suppose.


Tim Sisk said...

I suspiciously stopped getting Bravo at my apartment. Looks like it's time to call up Comcast and bitch. They know me well by now, the bitchy gay one who calls each month and threatens to cancel my service until they adjust my bill. I wouldn't have to do it if they weren't crooks, though. Thing is, I have no other cable or ISP options where I live. Drats.

I'd totally use the mini-fridge then take it back after I was through with it. Especially if it came from Walmart.

Have fun dining out in Virginia!

Monda said...

You sold the house! Congratulations, gal. One less thing to worry about.

Ah, the bare dorm room. I can't tell you how many public schoolteacher conferences I've attended that offered the same luxury accomodations. It would help, though, if they'd warn you ahead of time that you'll be living like a homeless person.

I hope the classes get better. Those Educational Fiery Hoops just make me tired thinking about them, so bless your heart.

I can't believe I missed the Project Runway opener.

Hang in there and keep us up to date!